Available In HD Streaming Format!
by L. Mike Nayak, MD
Volume 1 of Dr. Nayak’s video series presents a broad, flexible approach to aging face surgery, demonstrating techniques well suited to surgeons at all stages of their career. The detailed anatomic illustrations in Volume 1 may be especially useful to surgeons just adding advanced techniques to their repertoire.
This second volume, in contrast, focuses more specifically on advanced techniques in subSMAS facial surgery suitable for surgeons with significant previous experience in subSMAS/subplatysmal surgery:
- Safe identification and management of the contents of the submental and submandibular triangles: subplatysmal fat, digastric muscles, mylohyoid muscles, and submandibular salivary glands
- More aggressive deep neck dissection using both basic and advanced instrumentation
- Extended subSMAS release of the lower face and midface fully to the modiolus
Adjunctive techniques demonstrated include the Viterbo gliding brow lift; a nonendoscopic, minimal incision; subperiosteal brow lift; transconjunctival lower blepharoplasty; lip lift; fat transfer; and CO2 laser resurfacing.
Auersvald’s hemostatic net sutures are also demonstrated: alone for hematoma prophylaxis in a male neck, and as part of the gliding brow lift.
Over 6 Hours of Operative Video!
Beautifully Illustrated to Demonstrate Anatomy and Technique!
- Case 1: 55-year-old Female Patient: Minimal Incision Subperiosteal/Subgaleal Nonendoscopic Brow Lift, Lower Blepharoplasty, Fat Transfer, Deep Plane Extended Face Lift, Deep Neck Lift, Rhinoplasty, Lower Eyelid CO2 Laser Resurfacing, and Perioral Filler
- Case 2: 62-year-old Female Patient With Previous Upper Blepharoplasty and Panfacial Aging: Gliding Brow Lift, Lower Blepharoplasty, Fat Transfer, Deep Plane Extended Face Lift, Deep Neck Lift With Submandibular Gland Reductions, Lip Lift, and Full-Face CO2 Laser Resurfacing
- Case 3: 36-year-old Female Patient Status Post Massive Weight Loss: Deep Neck Lift With Submandibular Gland Reductions, Facial Fat Rebalancing, and Buccal Fat Reduction
- Case 4: 28-year-old Male Patient 1 Year Status Post Rhinoplasty, Chin Implant, Buccal Fat Reduction, Submental Liposuction, and Giampapa Suture: Deep Neck Lift and Lower Blepharoplasty With Fat Transfer
Available in HD Streaming format. 4 cases with over 6 hours of operative video. 2022.
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